Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This is the End

We're in the final days of the season shooting the last episode. So. burnt.

All I have to say is: I HATE ASSHOLE DIRECTORS. I almost just told him to go fuck himself. He's a complete baby. Everyone on the crew hates him. And we're all so burnt and tired and ready to be done that we don't feel like kissing his ass. And really don't care. It's almost become comical how pissy he gets. He doesn't get it that being a jerk does not win you any respect from the people working for you. Who wants to bust their ass for a whiny asshole baby?

It cracks me up how tired and worn out the directors get. Yea, they've a lot to do in that time and pressure and shit but when they're on set for a scant 7-9 days and the rest of the crew has worked every day since July I don't have any empathy.

I might tell him he's a great example for my own directing future: a true example of what not to do. I should tell him how he better watch his back because soon I'll be taking his jobs. Heh.

If today had been any other day earlier in the season I would have probably quit today. but with only 2 more days left after today I can take it. Maybe.


Breathe. 2 days left. I can survive. I simply have to pretend he doesn't exist.

1 comment:

savinoboy said...

i hope that your experience is the exception and not the rule! Yikes!

Maybe you could share said things that he/she has done so that we, too, may learn what NOT to do?