Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Some Kinda Record

#1 Number of Blog Posts In 24 hours

#2 Number of Cool Things Happening to Me In a Week
Now we're up to #3
(for those not following at home, #1: writing gig #2: nephew will enters the world)

.....and now I get word that the movie I worked on last summer, that I worked intently with the writers on, that my boyfriend DP'ed, that I was supposed to edit but had to quit after a difference in management style, got picked up for distribution! Despite my ending with the project, I'm very happy for them and I hope it kicks some serious butt! And not just because my DP boyfriend secured himself some points in the deal. But it doesn't hurt, either.

Right now I'm in complete denial this is all happening, so I could wake up tomorrow and be forced to recant but right now I'm a little overwhelmed with my life. So far 2007 has my money for best. year. ever.

And now I've probably jinxed it all by saying that.

1 comment:

savinoboy said...

That's not a record...that's the law of attraction from "the Secret" at work!


What a great week! I hope it keeps getting better!
