Thursday, January 25, 2007

New Idea

I have this bad habit of Never Finishing. The Grass is Always Greener Syndrome when it comes to my scripts and stories. And I'm doing it again.

When I started to re-focus on my writing, I decided to just pick one idea and finish it. At this point, I don't care if it sucks balls, I just need to get the stone a rollin'. Since that script has a (really bad) temporary title, I'm going to refer to it as Codename: Loner Girl.

Too bad I'm more stuck than white on rice.

I had hoped to be much further on Codename: Loner Girl by now. Sure I make progress, little bits here and there, but nothing substantial. And every time I try to force it I only make things worse so I'm just letting that one roast for a bit.

So a week or so back, two things happen to me: first, I catch a random indie flick on IFC. Then I read a spec script I happen to find lying around one of our sets at the studio, mixed up in a bunch of set dressing books. The script had evidently been sold a few months back to a major studio and is now "in development." Now, both of these were pretty crappy, but each had moments I liked...and each reminded me a little bit of an idea I had a few months back when I was on an idea-generation rampage. Right now it also doesn't really have a title. Ok, it might have title, but I'm still letting it soak in. So for now it's called Codename: Outsider Holiday.

This one has got me excited. Who knows yet if it will actually be good, but at least the story seems to be coming together. The characters are coming alive easily. Nice.

And now I've realized why I think Codename: Loner Girl is causing me so much pain. I've restricted my plot as part of my story, making it very difficult to write a strong, cinematic script. It's a challenging idea -- I wouldn't admit how challenging until now. I think I'm gonna have to put it away until I'm better at my craft.

So, there's that.

1 comment:

deepstructure said...

i feel ya on this. sometimes i have lots of ideas, many times i don't. and more often than not i start a script and never finish it.

but i've managed to finish the odd one or two. perhaps some of us just move a little more slowly.

just keep at it. whatever "it" is.